Monday, March 26, 2012

Professional Me and You

I am an experienced and vetted Marketing Manager with a passion for relationship and brand building, by discovering what's important to and best for my customers and my company, and making it happen via traditional and emerging means.

Who are you? And, what do you do for a living?

Thursday, March 15, 2012

#Avgeek Photo Challenge

What dedicated aerophile doesn't love an opportunity to plane spot and photograph aircraft? If you don't, then you are undeserving of the #avgeek moniker!

For those of us with av-gas in our veins and loving the smell of jet fuel in the morning, I have a proposal. I propose that we declare April 2012 - the #Avgeek Photo Challenge.

What comprises the challenge you ask? Well first get yourself an instagram, twitpic or similar photo sharing account and connect it to your tweets. Once that's accomplished, beginning on April 1st, start snapping photos. Upload the photos, tag 'em with the hashtag "#avgeekphoto" and tweet them.

What should you capture in your photos? Well, I've taken the liberty of creating our
avgeekery content calendar. See below:

#Avgeek Photo Challenge Calendar:
4/1 -
your favorite airline
4/2 - fixed wing
4/3 - any favorite aircraft
4/4 - a pilot
4/5 - night time flight
4/6 - the cockpit
4/7 - aircraft engine
4/8 - wheels down
4/9 - wheels up
4/10 - contrails
4/11 - window seat view
4/12 - rotors
4/13 - tail art
4/14 - landing gear
4/15 - logos and livery
4/16 - wings
4/17 - an airport you love
4/18 - an airport you hate
4/19 - the frequent flyer lounge
4/20 - the fleet
4/21 - baggage handling
4/22 - on approach
4/23 - metal birds
4/24 - general aviation
4/25 - military aviation
4/26 - a piece of aviation history
4/27 - your aviation hero
4/28 - the birth of aviation
4/29 - experimental aircraft
4/30 - an #avgeek

This isn't a competition and there are no prizes. This simply an opportunity to share our mutual love of aviation!

The rules - no naysayers, if you don't like this idea, you need not participate! Don't steal work of others and make sure your content is fresh and original. Most importantly, have fun!

So, happy flying, plane spotting and photo sharing!

Any comments, questions or feedback? Contact me via social means.

Addendum - I've been asked if photos already snapped can be used - sure can!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Personal Branding 101

Hello, my name is .... and I ....

When you introduce yourself to a new contact or colleague - do you stand out? Is what you're sharing about you memorable? Have you personal brand? Of course you do!

Personal branding is what makes you uniquely you. It's all of you from your appearance to your opinions to your knowledge and expertise. A fraction of it is even includes what you do for a living. So what's a brand? A brand is often what distinguishes one product, service, or experience from the next in the business world. We're in an era where the professional, personal and social aspects of life are increasingly blended together.

Personal branding has long been a habit of politicians and celebrities for years - there's no reason why you cannot develop your own personal branding.

How does one define a personal brand?
  • Define how you stand out from the crowd.
  • Understand what your core competencies and abilities are.
  • Map out the value proposition that you offer.
  • Figure out what makes you compelling.
  • Don't borrow someone else's brand - the best person to be, is you.
When you feel you've sufficiently mapped out this process - consider building a personal mission state and begin implementing the process with action.
  • Clearly and consistently communicate those points across all platforms.
  • Execute your consistent message via online and offline means.
  • Look for opportunities to establish yourself as a thought leader.
  • Find peers in field - learn and grow from their experiences. Be a mentee/protegee.
  • Discover your circle of influence and consider offering yourself as a mentor.
Two final thoughts on the importance of your personal brand - say what you mean, mean what you say. Live it out, repeatedly.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Airline Humor for Friday

Terry Maxon, a report for Dallas News, shared three 'Idle Thoughts' in his column ( this morning. Two thirds of which were airline related. The best - in my honest opinion - was the third:

"I was going to write a book about what a great business the airline industry is, but I couldn't get past Chapter 11."

Thanks for the levity, Mr. Maxon.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Check up on Check-ins!

What's Foursquare? It's a social platform known to its users for check-ins, specials, mayorships, badges and more. Foursquare is considered a geolocation application and has taken the social and smartphone world by storm!

Still curious? Enjoy this quick and simple video that breaks down the fundamentals of the application for newbies:

Before you get started with Foursquare, peruse this USA TODAY blog to get clued in on safe and secure use of geolocation apps.

To get started with check-ins -download the application to your smartphone, set up an account, and start exploring your local community, favorite businesses and destinations you're traveling to for discounts, coupons, and more on Foursquare.

Check out check-ins, it's worth it!